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A peaceful place to heal


Traditionally, healers have often lived outside town to offer a clearer vibration of nature. I invite you to allow your healing to begin on the journey to my clinic in the Berkeley Hills, arriving ready for a new experience of wholeness.

Bronwyn Ayla, LAc
Holistic Medical Arts

3326 Dwight Way, Berkeley CA 94704

Do not park in the 
neighborʼs driveway or
private parking areas

When You Get Here

Welcome! Come inside the lattice gate that says “Aerie.” Walk up the stairs to the left of the house and you’ll arrive at a grey door. That’s me!  Please come inside the grey door and wait just inside on the bench there. The door will open 15 minutes prior to your appointment. Please fill out the new client intake form at least 48 hours prior to your session. The bathroom is located down the hall on the right. When you are ready, ring the bell on the wall by the front door. Please do not talk on your cell phone while waiting as you will disturb other people.





From lower Dwight going east turn left at Prospect. Go to the UC Berkeley stadium. From there, turn right onto Panoramic Hill (it will say “no outlet” ) and follow the curves around back and forth. There will be 2 hairpin turns, one to the left and one at the big round, mirror make a hairpin turn to your right until you reach Dwight Way again. We will meet at the first house on the left after Panoramic turns back into Dwight Way again.



If you are driving please be careful about where you park your car. See the interactive map for where it is OK to park. You may park parallel to the wooden fence across the street. Do not park in the neighborʼs driveway, anywhere that says "private parking" or blocking my driveway.  If you are able to walk, you can park at the top of Dwight Way and go through Claremont Canyon for a beautiful 15-minute nature hike (recommended). 


Public Transportation

There are a number of buses that go through campus, to the bottom of Panoramic Hill from where you can walk up. 51B will take you to the bottom of Panoramic Hill, from the downtown Berkeley BART. Please see the walking directions for how to hike up from the bottom of Panoramic Hill.


Walking & Biking

The best way to get here is to walk if you are able to and leave your bike or car at the bottom of the hill. This will be a gorgeous 15-20 minutes walk.

1. Hike through Claremont Canyon from the top of Dwight Way. It is a beautiful hike for daytime hours. The flag on the map represents a large rock where you turn left and go up the hill. Wear your hiking shoes! 

2. From the UC Berkeley Campus- there are stairs that go straight up the hill. Recommended if itʼs dark. Wear your walking shoes!


Interactive Map

Please see this helpful map for a better view of the neighborhood.

"From the moment I walked into her studio and smelled the wonderful aroma of mysterious herbs brewing, I felt like I have arrived at a place where the hustle and bustle of my normal life has left me behind. Time almost stops there.  You really take a moment to take a deep breath and just be.”

Judy Ko. 
Oakland, CA

The Temple of Light

An Aerie is a high-up nest, often of eagles or falcons. We are home to the Holistic Medical Arts Clinic, the Wu Wei School of Reiki, and some amazing gatherings of ancient souls seeking wisdom, the nourishment of their destiny and sweet community.

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